Jesus Is The Reason
For The Season
T'was 4 sleeps 'til Christmas and all through the town,Much hustle and bustle and madness abound.The people all scurrying about in a fury,In hopes that their shopping gets done in a hurry.
The children done school & home for a break,Stirred up & excited, giving Mom a headache.And Dad working steadily to pay all the bills,How that long list of Christmas gifts gives him the chills.
Soon all had lost sight of the wonderful reason,Why Christmas became a significant season.Far off in their minds was that day long ago,When a babe was sent down to a manger laid low.
His birth was a blessing from the Father above,Given to mankind to show His great love.He knew that one day His Son's life would be given,And into His hands & feet nails would be driven.
He would die, rise, ascend to His heavenly dwelling,Now isn't this a story you find compelling?A treasure so precious to you was bestowed,On that day in a stable where love overflowed.
It's a free gift for those who believe and admit,That Jesus is needed, so why not submit?This is what Christmas is really about,A free gift of LOVE that never runs out.
There is only one present that truly has meaning,It's the CHRIST that's in Christmas on Whom the star's gleaming
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